• Simplify Your Inventory Management

    By ZonSupport | Posted on March 31, 2024| Blog

    Inventory management – the dilemma of what, how many, and when to order. The fear of overstocking and the anxiety of stock shortages not to mention their effect on cash flow make for sleepless nights! 

    Spreadsheets and amazing formulae are great but a software solution will take you to the next level. 

    Amazon is renowned for changing the rules so you need a nimble inventory management system that you can adapt accordingly. The risk with spreadsheets is that formulae may have inputs you overlook when editing, so your forecast is flawed. 

    We asked Randy Thebeau, Co-Founder of Profitable Pineapple EXPRESS to give us an overview of software vs spreadsheet-based inventory management.

    Embrace Automation: The Key to Scaling Effortlessly

    For growing businesses, the journey of scaling is fraught with challenges, with inventory management often at the forefront. The introduction of automation into this equation can be transformative. By automating routine inventory tasks, businesses can significantly reduce manual errors, streamline operations, and liberate time for strategic endeavors that drive growth.

    Mastering inventory management through automation is not just about maintaining optimal stock levels; it’s about setting a foundation for sustainable growth and operational excellence.

    As businesses expand, the ability to adapt and manage inventory becomes a competitive advantage, enabling entrepreneurs to navigate the complexities of scaling with confidence and strategic insight.

    At its core, software automation ensures processes operate seamlessly without constant oversight.

    Understanding Your Numbers

    It’s a common misconception that a direct correlation exists between sales increases and inventory orders. For example, a 10% rise in sales, some would naturally assume a 10% inventory increase is required.

    However, this simplistic idea overlooks the intricate dynamics of supply chain operations. Manufacturer lead times, shipping duration, and warehouse check-in processes play significant roles in determining appropriate inventory levels. 

    These dynamics introduce a layer of complexity that demands a more sophisticated approach to inventory management.

    If your sales surge by 10%, the actual increase in inventory may range between 15 and 25% to prepare for the lead times and to buffer against potential delays or increased future demand.

    This is where software solutions begin to outpace their spreadsheet-based rivals.

    The Role of Data in Honing Accuracy

    Achieving accuracy in inventory management is not just about crunching numbers; it’s about interpreting data with a keen understanding of your entire supply chain. Any software solution you consider would allow you to combine historical sales data, predictive analytics, and real-time inventory tracking. This will enable you to make informed decisions that have a close alignment with reality.

    Even rough estimates or rounding off sales numbers can lead to significant inaccuracies, resulting in overstocking or understocking.

    Understanding the intricate relationship between sales increases and inventory needs — and the importance of accuracy in navigating this relationship — is fundamental to scaling your business effectively. It’s about striking the right balance, ensuring you have enough products to meet demand without overextending your resources. This balance is the cornerstone of not just surviving in a competitive marketplace, but thriving.

    The Pitfalls of Manual Inventory Management

    The primary challenge with relying on manual spreadsheet systems lies in their demand for constant changes. Every new order, return, or adjustment requires manual entry, increasing the risk of human error. 

    As the business scales and the number of SKUs grows, these models become unwieldy, transforming what was once a tool for simplification into a source of complexity and stress.

    Manual systems struggle to provide real insights into what is happening. In today’s market, being able to react quickly to changes in demand or supply chain disruptions is crucial. 

    Embracing Technology for Simplification

    These software systems are not just about replacing spreadsheets; they’re about reimagining the approach to inventory management. Features such as reorder alerts, demand forecasting, and integrated analytics can transform a reactive inventory strategy into a proactive one. 

    By leveraging technology, businesses can move from playing catch-up with their inventory to strategically managing it. This ensures you have the right product-right quantity-right time ratio in front of you all the time.

    Here’s what a good software solution should provide:

    Efficiency: Reducing the time spent on manual data entry and corrections frees up resources for growth-focused activities.

    Accuracy: Minimize errors in order tracking and stock levels, leading to better decision-making and customer satisfaction.

    Scalability: Easily manage an increasing number of products and complex supply chains without exponentially increasing your workload.

    Insight: Offer valuable insights into sales trends and inventory performance, enabling data-driven strategies for optimization.

    Diversification as a Catalyst for Growth eg Product Bundles

    With the right data on hand, you can model expansion opportunities such as strategic diversification through creating product bundles. This introduces many new layers of complexity to your inventory management that spreadsheets alone can struggle to manage.

    Each bundle represented a unique combination of products, each with its own stock level, lead time, and demand pattern. Managing these bundles effectively required a nuanced understanding of our inventory and a flexible approach to stock management.

    A robust inventory software solution can simplify the complexity associated with managing product bundling as well as sales across multiple platforms.

    It automates crucial tasks like tracking stock levels for diverse SKUs, forecasting demand for bundled products, and integrating these insights seamlessly. This ensures efficient and effective inventory control, streamlining operations and enhancing productivity.

    A focus on linear growth can leave you open to me-too competitors which then becomes a race to the bottom. 

    This is just one example of how software enables you to explore and cost various strategies to 10x your returns.

    Inventory software can be keystroke heavy ie they often require a lot of entries to maintain them, let alone model any initiatives you have in mind to increase sales. Profitable Pineapple EXPRESS has a real focus on operational simplicity so it’s well worth having them on your shortlist. They offer a trial period so you can be sure their software is right for you with no risk.

    We recommend you run them in parallel to your current system. You can then make an informed decision.

    As always, ask us anything. If we don’t know the answer, we’ll know someone who does!

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